Necati Ertekin
PhD 2016Operations & Supply Chain Management, Texas A&M University
MBA 2008Naval Postgraduate School
MS 2008Systems Engineering, Naval Post Graduate School
BS 2003Industrial Engineering, Turkish Naval Academy
Retail Operations
Consumer Returns
Operations/Marketing Interface
Empirical OM
Zero Waste Management
Necati Ertekin is an Associate Professor in the Supply Chain and Operations Department at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. Prior to pursuing a Ph.D., he served in the Navy as an officer for eight years and resigned as Lieutenant.
Necati has developed a research stream that is grounded in practice with a strong managerial focus. His primary research interests center on retail operations and operations/marketing interface with an emphasis on omnichannel retailing, store labor, and the behavioral aspects of consumer returns. His research has been published in Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Marketing Science, and Production and Operations Management. He has been an active member of the Consortium for Operational Excellence in Retailing (COER, a Harvard Business School and The Wharton School initiation to facilitate partnership between academics and retail practitioners) since 2016 and has been invited to present his works at professional and practitioner conferences in North America. He has also consulted with several national retailers.
At the Carlson School, Necati primarily teaches PhD, MS in Supply Chain Management, MBA, and Undergraduate level courses in “Retail Operations”, “Sales, Inventory, and Operations Planning”, and “Supply Chain Planning and Control”.
Media Coverage of Research:
- Should Multichannel Retailers Consider Adjusting Their Return Time Windows?, by Reverse Logistics Magazine, Edition 115 (page 52), September 2021 PDF: Edition115.pdf
- New Leases On Life: Malls Converting To Fulfillment Centers, Other Non-Retail Uses, by Forbes, August 14, 2021 URL:
- Let Your Salespeople Create A Good Vibe with the Customer: Managing Returns in High Customer Contact Businesses, by Reverse Logistics Magazine, Edition 104 (page 38), October 2019 PDF: Edition104.pdf
- Stack or Bundle Those Discounts? by The Wiglaf Journal, April 2019, URL:
- Stacked Discounts Hurt Profitability, by Harvard Business Review, March-April 2019, Vol. 97 Issue 2 (pages 26-28), URL:
- The Secrets of Managing In-Store Product Exchanges, by Reverse Logistics Magazine, Edition 93 (page 36), July 2018 PDF: Edition93.pdf
- Sick of Losing Money on Product Returns? Here’s How to PROFIT From Them Instead!, by Frank Reactions, April 18, 2018
Selected Works & Activities
Journal ArticlesTang, Y., K. K. Sinha, A. Moen, N. Ertekin. 2024. Towards Achieving Mental Health Equity for the Underserved Population: Evaluating the Potential of Mobile Apps. Production and Operations Management (Online First).
Journal ArticlesErtekin, N., Y. Ding, K. Donohue. 2024. Strategic Visual Merchandising of New and Open-Box Products: Evidence from Experiment and Retail Data. Management Science. 70(4): 2047–2065.
Journal ArticlesErtekin, N., M. Gumus, M. E. Nikoofal. 2022. Online-exclusive or Hybrid? Channel Merchandising Strategies for Ship-to-Store Implementation. Management Science 68(8): 5828-5846.
Journal ArticlesErtekin, N., A. Agrawal. 2021. How Does A Return Period Policy Change Affect Multichannel Retailer Profitability? Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 23(1): 210-229.
Journal ArticlesErtekin, N., M. Ketzenberg, G. Heim. 2020. Assessing Impacts of Store and Salesperson Dimensions of Retail Service Quality on Consumer Returns. Production and Operations Management 29(5): 1232-1255.
Journal ArticlesErtekin, N., J. D. Shulman, H. A. Chen. 2019. On the Profitability of Stacked Discounts: Identifying Revenue and Cost Effects of Discount Framing. Marketing Science 38(2): 317-342.
Journal ArticlesErtekin, N. 2018. Immediate and Long-Term Benefits of In-Store Return Experience. Production and Operations Management 27(1): 121-142.