Mayank Anand UMN PhD Candidate Marketing Consumer Political Ideology

Mayank Anand

PhD (completed)


  • Ph.D. in Business - 2024 (completed)
    Marketing - Carlson School of Management, UMN
  • MBA - 2014
    Marketing - Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India


Mayank Anand has recently completed his PhD in Marketing at Carlson School of Management. He specializes in consumer behavior research, particularly focusing on consumers' political ideology. He will be joining SUNY Binghamton as a tenure-track assistant professor in marketing from August 2024.


Mayank is a consumer behavior researcher with a special focus on consumers' political ideology. He has two research streams in this domain. In one stream, he identifies new marketing-relevant differences between politically liberal and conservative consumers. In the second stream, he focuses on established differences between liberal and conservative consumers, and proposes marketing wisdom-based interventions that can help both set of consumers make more prosocial decisions. His primary methodological focus is behavioral lab and field experiments, supplemented with more multi-method approaches, such as secondary data analyses and content analyses. 

His dissertation, under the guidance of Prof. Akshay Rao, explores how consumers' political ideology impacts their boycott motivations. His other works include a published article and two working papers, one of which is under revision for resubmission to the Journal of Marketing Research. These papers cover a wide range of marketplace behaviors, such as consumers' decision to get vaccinated, their appraisal of humor, and their susceptibility to fake news. His works in progress explore even more instances of consumer responses that are influenced through a political or moral calculus, such as response to producers' suffering, to disgust cues, and to pricing changes.

Mayank has nearly twelve years of experience with marketing, which he has leveraged as a course instructor and teaching assistant for both undergraduate and MBA courses offered at CSOM. He has also served the marketing department as the manager for the undergraduate research pool and as an organizer for PhD research camps. 

Prior to joining CSOM, Mayank has worked in marketing with Boston Consulting Group, Unilever Asia, Asian Paints, and early-stage startups. He received his MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad in India. 



Selected Works & Activities

  • Journal Articles
    Reducing COVID Vaccine Hesitancy by Inducing a Comparative Mindset (with Xianyu Hao, Tzushuo Wang, and Prof. Akshay Rao)
  • Working Papers
    That’s (Not) funny: Political Ideology driven differences in Humor Appreciation and Production (with Akshay Rao), under revision for resubmission to the Journal of Marketing Research
  • Working Papers
    Truth Bias online: Antecedents of Susceptibility to Deceptive Information (Fake News) in Political Markets (with TzuShuo Wang, Hyerin Han, and Akshay Rao)
  • Thesis/Dissertation
    Punish or Educate: Political Ideology impacts Consumers' Motivations behind Disciplining Immoral Brand Actions

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