Jian Xuan Profile Picture

Jianxuan Lei

PhD Student
Work & Organizations


  • M.A. 2021
    Human Resources and Industrial Relations, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
  • B.B.A. 2019
    Business Administration, Renmin University of China


  • Trade Unions
  • Industrial Relations/Collective Bargaining
  • Comparative Political Economy of Work
  • Inclusion and Equality within the Labor Movement


Jianxuan Lei is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Work and Organization at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. His research focuses on industrial relations, particularly trade unions. Jianxuan’s current work follows two lines of inquiry. First, he studies U.S. labor unions from an economic perspective, examining the impact of the 1981 Professional Air Traffic Controllers' Strike and the effects of public-sector unionism on private-sector employers and workers. Second, he studies comparative employment relations with a more multidisciplinary approach, investigating the dynamics between organized labor and issues related to gender equality and immigration.

Selected Works & Activities

  • Working Papers
    Lei, Jianxuan. “The fall of the house of labor?: The impact of the 1981 Professional Air Traffic Controllers’ Strike on U.S. labor relations.” Status: Data collection and preliminary analysis.
  • Working Papers
    Lei, Jianxuan. "Contested solidarity: Trade union membership and immigration attitudes in Europe." Status: Preparing for submission.
  • Working Papers
    Lei, Jianxuan. "Trade union membership and women's right to work: From gender antagonism to inclusive solidarity?" Status: Revision requested at the ILR Review.
  • Journal Articles
    Lei, Jianxuan. “The importance of legal strength for trade unions: Theory and evidence from China.” Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society (Forthcoming).
  • Conference Presentations

    • Lei, Jianxuan. June 2024. “Contested Solidarity: Trade Union Membership and Immigration Attitudes in Europe.” Labor and Employment Relations 76th Annual Meeting, NY
    • Lei, Jianxuan. Aug 2023. “Trade union membership and women’s right to work: From gender antagonism to inclusive solidarity?” Carlson School Multi-Disciplinary Academic Research Summit. Minneapolis, MN
    • Lei, Jianxuan. June 2023. “Trade union membership and women’s right to work: From gender antagonism to inclusive solidarity?” Labor and Employment Relations 75th Annual Meeting. Detroit, MI
    • Lei, Jianxuan. May 2022. “Trade union membership and women’s right to work: From gender antagonism to inclusive solidarity?” The Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change (CERIC) Doctoral Conference, University of Leeds, UK (Remote)

    Honors and Awards

    • 2023-2024, Carlson School Ph.D. Student Conference Travel Fellowship, University of Minnesota
    • 2022-2024, Carlson School Summer Research Fellowship, University of Minnesota
    • 2022, Deans, Chairs, and Directors Council (DCDC) Best Student Paper Award, Labor and Employment Relations Association

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