Hailong Cui
PhD 2020Data Sciences and Operations, USC Marshall
MS 2010Statistics, Arizona State University
BS 2006Mathematics, POSTECH, South Korea
Supply Chain Sustainability
Product Returns Management
Online Food and Grocery Delivery
Statistical Machine Learning
Game Theory and Optimization
Hailong Cui is an Assistant Professor in the Supply Chain and Operations Department at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota (UMN). He also holds affiliated faculty roles in UMN’s Industrial & Systems Engineering Department and its system-wide Institute on the Environment.
Dr. Cui joined UMN in 2020 following the completion of his Ph.D. in Data Sciences and Operations at the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, under the supervision of Professors Greys Sošić, Sampath Rajagopalan, and Amy R. Ward. Before pursuing his doctoral studies, he gained substantial professional experience in the financial services industry, holding positions at prominent institutions such as American Express and HSBC in the United States. Earlier in his academic journey, he earned dual M.S. degrees in Statistics and Computational Biosciences from the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at Arizona State University. He also holds a B.S. in Mathematics with a minor in Computer Science and Engineering from POSTECH in South Korea. He is fluent in English and a native speaker of both Mandarin and Korean.
Dr. Cui's primary research centers on Supply Chain Management and Retail Operations. Leveraging a broad array of analytical methodologies, including optimization, game theory, statistics and econometrics, structural estimation, and machine learning, he investigates innovative mechanisms to advance environmental sustainability. Concurrently, his research focuses on operational levers aimed at improving economic efficiency while addressing inequities impacting consumers and small businesses. His research has been published in journals including Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and European Journal of Operational Research.
Selected Works & Activities
Journal Articles"Incentives and Emission Responsibility Allocation in Supply Chains," (with S. Gopalakrishnan, D. Granot, F. Granot, G. Sošić) Management Science (2021), 67(7): 4172–4190
Journal Articles“Impact of Task-Level Specialization, Workload, and Product Personalization on Consumer Returns,” (with S. Rajagopalan, A. R. Ward) Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2021), 23(2): 346-366
Journal Articles“Predicting Product Return Volume Using Machine Learning Methods,” (with S. Rajagopalan, A. R. Ward) European Journal of Operational Research (2020), Special Issue on Business Analytics, 281(3): 612-627
Journal Articles“Recycling Common Materials: Effectiveness, Optimal Decisions, and Coordination Mechanisms,” (with G. Sošić) European Journal of Operational Research (2019), 274(3): 1055-1068