ugo wear- General Division Semifinalist
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Meet ugo wear - one of the 10 Semifinalists in MN Cup’s General Division! Discover the other Minnesota Cup Semifinalists by browsing our blog and site.
What is ugo? The world’s FIRST and ONLY 100% waterproof small profile dry bag that floats and allows you to use your phone to text, talk, email, shoot selfies and video. The modern design features a German engineered TIZIP® WATERPROOF ZIPPER, ugo is the perfect size to carry just what you need when in and around the water! So grab your keys, cash, credit cards, passport, or medication and off you go! Technologically superior, patent pending, designed for testability and smart looking, the perfect bag for your next adventure, lose the worry, not the phone, DARE TO BE FREE!