Local Food Entrepreneur: WholeMe

Friday, February 20, 2015

Mary and Krista

Meet WholeMe

Today is FAB (Food/Agriculture/Beverage) Friday and MN Cup will be featuring a series of local food entrepreneurs on Fridays, asking them questions about their business, and getting their insight on the Food Innovation Community in Minnesota. WholeMe was at MN Cup's EAT Event, on February 5. 

Tell us who you are – what do you do?
Founded in 2013, WholeMe was created by two women dedicated to developing nutrient-dense, delicious, convenient foods. Like many, their lives were busy and chaotic. WholeMe was created using real ingredients to fuel their active lifestyle. A real alternative to the preservative-filled, sugar-laden snacks that surround us. WholeMe is the partnership of Krista Steinbach and Mary Kosir. Two smart, passionate women who realized the power that food has on their daily lives and want to make eating real, delicious food convenient and easy. 

WholeMe creates nutrient-dense, delicious, convenient foods. We offer an alternative to the current, preservative filled and sugar-laden snacks that surround us. Remember, real food is perishable. Ours is. That’s why the only preservative we use is the fridge. Check us out at www.wholeme.com

Whole Me

What has been the biggest hurdle you have had to overcome?
There’s not one big hurdle, but lots of little hurdles that we are presented with each and every day.  The key is agility.  Being able to roll with the punches.  Many of those hurdles have been financial, and we’ve handled them by getting creative….a successful Kickstarter campaign, first bank loan, and the continuous building of relationships that are key to development and growth of our company. 

What drew you to the EAT Event?
Networking.  The key to the success of a company that is growing like ours is exposure and relationship development.  The more passionate fans of WholeMe, the better.  And we know that when people sample our product, they are blown away by the freshness, flavor, and simplicity of ingredients.  WholeMe product  + More peoples’ hands = success. 

What do you hope to see for the MN Food/Ag/Bev community in the future?
Continued opportunities to network with other food professionals in the community, as well as interested investors.  We are fortunate to have a community bursting with fresh ideas and entrepreneurs and we are grateful that the state of Minnesota and the MN Cup support the next wave successful companies!

Whole Me

Give us your advice for aspiring food entrepreneurs… in 6 words or less.
Flavor.  Trust.  Sample.  Relationships.  Authenticity.