Eric McPherson

Eric McPherson
Eric McPherson

"Shoot to get hot, shoot to stay hot."

My Story

I am a gopher at heart. I attended undergrad at the University of Minnesota where I graduated from the School of Journalism with a degree in advertising, and I am now attending Carlson to pursue my MBA with an emphasis in marketing. I started off as an advertising guy with dreams of being Don Draper but after a few years I realized that I was more suited for a marketing role. Therefore, I decided to pursue business school to help make that agency to corporate marketing transition.

Why Carlson

Carlson was a no brainer for me. I love the Twin Cities and I knew that I wanted to continue living hear after school. Carlson has the best and strongest connections with the many outstanding companies both large and small around town and is the best program there is to help me pursue the job I want where I want. And on top of that Carlson’s Enterprise program provides a very unique opportunity to work on real world projects in parallel to your class work, which really excited me.

A Day In the Life…

Wake up on a Thursday morning and attend a Strategy class with a top 50, nationally ranked professor. You have to be prepared to answer a question at any moment so this will wake you up quick. Next, attend an Accounting class, which is important because with my undergrad degree I have never had an accounting class before. Now it is lunchtime and today the marketing club set up a presentation on how to launch a new product with Carlson alumni that now work at a locally based Fortune 200 company (and they catered free Chipotle which is never a bad thing).  Wrap up class for the day with a Statistics class and then meet with your core team for an hour to work on your Strategy final paper. The last piece of business for the day is to squeeze in a quick chat with one of the 2nd year students who interned last summer at a company you are interested in. And now in the words of the great Jimmy Buffet it is 5 o’clock somewhere and it is time to meet your classmates for happy hour at one of the local establishments.  

About Eric

Eden Prairie, MN
Undergraduate Institution
University of Minnesota
Thomson Reuters
Carlson Activities
Sports Business Club
Elite 8
Marketing Club
Professional Interests
Job Title
New Products Marketing Manager