Carlson 4 Community (C4C)


Carlson 4 Community (C4C) was created in 2005 by full-time MBA students at the Carlson School of Management to bring together the full-time MBA program, other Carlson's Masters Programs, and the school’s alumni and faculty to support local causes.

The school’s leading student organization promoting volunteerism and community involvement within the Twin Cities, C4C has created various opportunities for Carlson students to give back. The biggest event is the annual Carlson MBA Charity Auction, which benefits a different local charity each year as selected by the student body.

C4C is always ready to work with talented people and explore new ideas that contribute to the community. Please contact the C4C team if you have any questions about C4C or our upcoming events.

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In 2023, C4C donated over $61,000 to Operation No Limits, thanks to the generosity of the Carlson students, faculty, alumni, and community!

19th Annual Carlson MBA Charity Auction

This year's charity auction will take place on...
Date: February 10th, 2024
Time: 6:00pm-10:00pm CST

Location: McNamara Alumni Center

More event details can be found on the C4C Charity Auction website

Tickets are available for purchase here!

Cookie Cart

This year, C4C is raising funds for Cookie Cart. Cookie Cart is a youth social enterprise that teaches life, leadership, and employment skills to teens of color through on-the-job and classroom experiences in nonprofit bakeries. They work with teens to boost opportunities that advance upward mobility through soft-skill development, technical skill-building, and networking.

Cookie Cart

C4C is excited to support Cookie Cart. Cookie Cart teaches life, leadership, and employment skills to teens of color through on-the-job and classroom experiences in nonprofit bakeries. Cookie Cart operates in North Minneapolis and the East Side of Saint Paul. They work with teens to boost opportunities that advance upward mobility through soft-skill development, technical skill-building, and networking. Additionally, they provide youth with ongoing social and emotional development opportunities, resources, and programming that builds existing talents and skills, further equipping them with the tools they need for long-term success.

Potential of Every Person – Lift up every young person’s talents and support their future as tomorrow’s leaders
Equity and Opportunity – Advocate for a world that is just and fair, where all people have opportunity and a strong sense of value and belonging 
Power of Relationships – Believe trusting relationships make it possible for youth to prosper and for communities to be places of connection and support


Manognya Wunnava & Michael Jillella, Co-Presidents

Alex Jones, EVP Marketing & Logistics

Celina Her, VP of Donations

Cassidy Gobran & Rohan Sinha, VP of Sponsorship

Rukmin Juneja, VP of Technology

Rizwana Shaik, VP of Community Engagement

Hannah Carter, VP of Part-Time Engagement

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Cookie Cart Website - 

19th Annual Carlson MBA Charity Auction

This year's charity auction will take place on...
Date: February 10th, 2024
Time: 6:00pm-10:00pm CST

Location: McNamara Alumni Center

More event details can be found on the C4C Charity Auction website

Tickets are available for purchase here!

Cookie Cart

This year, C4C is raising funds for Cookie Cart. Cookie Cart is a youth social enterprise that teaches life, leadership, and employment skills to teens of color through on-the-job and classroom experiences in nonprofit bakeries. They work with teens to boost opportunities that advance upward mobility through soft-skill development, technical skill-building, and networking.

Cookie Cart

C4C is excited to support Cookie Cart. Cookie Cart teaches life, leadership, and employment skills to teens of color through on-the-job and classroom experiences in nonprofit bakeries. Cookie Cart operates in North Minneapolis and the East Side of Saint Paul. They work with teens to boost opportunities that advance upward mobility through soft-skill development, technical skill-building, and networking. Additionally, they provide youth with ongoing social and emotional development opportunities, resources, and programming that builds existing talents and skills, further equipping them with the tools they need for long-term success.

Potential of Every Person – Lift up every young person’s talents and support their future as tomorrow’s leaders
Equity and Opportunity – Advocate for a world that is just and fair, where all people have opportunity and a strong sense of value and belonging 
Power of Relationships – Believe trusting relationships make it possible for youth to prosper and for communities to be places of connection and support


Manognya Wunnava & Michael Jillella, Co-Presidents

Alex Jones, EVP Marketing & Logistics

Celina Her, VP of Donations

Cassidy Gobran & Rohan Sinha, VP of Sponsorship

Rukmin Juneja, VP of Technology

Rizwana Shaik, VP of Community Engagement

Hannah Carter, VP of Part-Time Engagement

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Email -

Cookie Cart Website - 

Contact Full-Time MBA