Carlson Giving Back
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
While I’ve written about the Carlson community in the past, I think it is appropriate to revisit the subject and point out the impact that Carlson students have on the greater Twin Cities’ community. A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend the Carlson Charity Auction and I was extremely impressed. I was taken not only with the fact that less than a dozen students put together a formal event to rival any that I’ve seen, but also with the generosity of students, alumni, faculty and sponsors. In fact, through the generosity of all parties, we were able to raise $40,000 for this year’s charity, Can Do Canines.
I’m guessing the money we raised was directly attributable to the quality of the event and the overwhelming attendance. There were over five hundred guests and the event was sold out a week in advance – both records for Carlson! While I wasn’t surprised to see my friends, I was floored by the number of alumni that attended. Having alumni from multiple classes is a testament how well the event was organized and received.
Following up on the charity auction, a mere week later, Carlson students, alumni, and faculty again opened up their wallets to give $1400 to the Special Olympics, by way of the Polar Plunge. Twelve students sacrificed their warmth by jumping into Lake Calhoun to earn those pledges. I happened to be one of those students and while it was bitterly cold, I’ll definitely be there next year when Carlson does it again.
Overall, these are just two examples of the Carlson community giving back. Throughout the year, there have been other events that touched the lives of a wide variety of groups. I am proud that my community is so willing to give back and I am proud to be a Carlsonite.