Admissions at Carlson: Interview with Linh Gilles

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Linh Gilles, our MBA Admissions Director, recently gave an interview at MBA Crystal Ball to talk about a variety of things, including post-MBA careers, the overall admissions process at Carlson (including comments about the GMAT!), financial aid, and other general topics. If you're looking to apply to Carlson, take a look at the interview; there's definitely some good tips from Linh. Personally, I would emphasize that candidates must have a good "story" - you should know why you're going to business school and how Carlson can specifically help your career goals. Also important is the notion of fit, which Linh talks about. There's a definite culture here; being able to operate in that culture is critical. Both of these principles don't stop with admissions at Carlson; you'll be going through the same process when applying for an internship and a full-time position.

Regardless, have fun reading the interview, and for those who are in the application process at the moment - good luck!