Mindful Leadership Conference
Let's Make Work Better: Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving Your Work Life - Theresa Glomb
Many of us have focused on getting a good job. But how many of us have focused on making a job good? So often at work, we bumble through our days in unintentional ways. What could happen if we were more intentional and recognized the power we have to improve our work lives? University of Minnesota Professor Theresa Glomb is trying to help others create positive experiences at work through growth, happiness, and satisfaction. Ultimately, Theresa’s trying to make work great (or at least a little better). In this unique blend of research, personal stories, and practical disciplines, based on her TEDx talk, she shares with us simple, evidence based micro-interventions to improve our working lives.
Mindfulness Matters? Critically Examining the Hype, Hope and Hubris - Alex Haley
What is mindfulness and does it really matter? The word mindfulness is popping up everywhere – in companies, hospitals, schools, non-profits and social justice work. Researchers have both lauded and criticized it as the number of mindfulness research studies continues to grow. University of Minnesota Professor Alex Haley invites us to step into the places of tension to go beyond quick fixes and easy answers. Through experiential exercises, examination of existing evidence and stories from the field, Alex will describe one possible path forward beyond hype, hope and hubris. This new path forward has direct implications for how we live and work. Alex will share some simple suggestions and practices for small changes with potentially big impacts. Does mindfulness matter? It’s a question that calls for leadership and engagement at the individual, interpersonal and systems level.