A Partnership that is Music to My Ears
Friday, December 19, 2014
As much as I enjoy listening to students from the School of Music filling our atrium with their beautiful carols, it’s the partnership that has developed between the two schools that hits the highest note for me.
Our first collaboration with the School of Music in 2011, the popular “Deck the Halls” flash mob, sparked a conversation on how we could continue to blend our strengths. One outcome from that discussion was a wonderful interdisciplinary course: Entrepreneurship and Music Careers taught by Professor Harry Sapienza of our Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship department.
Harry says it has been an absolute thrill to teach the class and help students from the School of Music discover their entrepreneurial and enterprise side and realize new and alternative career paths. At the same time, he says these extremely creative and talented students bring so much to him and the Carlson School environment through their deep appreciation for artistry and disciplined performance.
It thrills me that we could once again partner with the School of Music to create a beautiful holiday video this season. I’m excited to see this partnership grow in the coming years and in doing so enrich the lives of so many of our students.