Trent Oelkers

Trent Oelkers

“I’m a career switcher and I needed a community that would embrace my background as a Teacher and provide me with opportunities to gain experience.”

My Story

At the end of 2008 I found myself with a new set of skills as a teacher with no ideal teaching jobs to be found. To make ends meet, I networked and got involved in property management and managed the day-to-day affairs of a business. I quickly discovered value for the skills I had developed at school and I decided to expand them by going to business school.

Why Carlson?

I’m a career switcher and I needed a community that would embrace my background as a Teacher and provide me with opportunities to gain experience. With this in mind I applied to a variety of different schools to find the right fit. I decided to come to Carlson for two main reasons. First, the Enterprise programs would provide me with the opportunity to learn by experience. Second, the classmates I met at the admit weekend impressed me and I knew I would learn from them. After one year in the program my classmates and the enterprise program have challenged me to learn more than I expected in two years. Carlson was the right choice for me.  

A Day with Trent - Friday, May 2nd

6:30 - 7:30 a.m. Wake up and prepare for a busy day. Put on business professional for a big networking even with Carlson’s Supply Chain Board. At the last board event I went to I made contacts that were instrumental in landing my internship. 
7:30 - 8:15 a.m. Pack up and head to the bus stop. I commute 35 minutes 1 way. I live in the suburbs with my family. 
8:15 - 8:30 a.m. I have a brief meeting with student affairs concerning the MBA Association proposed budget for next school year.
8:30 - 11:00 a.m. Put in some time at work. I am a Admission’s Graduate Assistant. I squeeze in my hours in little blocks or I miss out on great opportunities.  
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Speaking of great activities, the Business Technology Club is holding an Advanced Excel Workshop. Can you say “Pivot Table?”
12:00 - 2:20 p.m. Carlson Supply Chain Board Meeting- There is nothing like being in a room with 50-60 Supply Chain professionals who are looking for talent. It gives me hope for life after the MBA. I chose a great emphasis for me. Supply Chain for life!
2:30 - 3:15 p.m. Meet up with a contact from the Supply Chain Board for an informational interview. I was interested in learning more about CH Robinson. A large third party logistics provider. It was informative and fun. 
3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Head home and spend some time with my wife and kids. Eat dinner together and read stories for bedtime. 
7:00 p.m. - Midnight Finish up some work for my Enterprise Project. I’m going to the Annual Sports Business Club Golf Event is in the morning, so I have to finish it tonight. After I am done I collapse and fall asleep quickly.


About Trent

New Hope, Minnesota
Undergraduate Institution
Brigham Young University, 2008, Social Sciences
Steven-Scott Management
Independent School District 281
Home Depot
Carlson Activities
Graduate Assistant
Sam Walton Case Competition
Supply Chain & Operations Club
MBA Association Leadership
The Schwans Food Company
Job Title
Change Manager & Logistic Manager