Barbara Loken CSOM

Barbara Loken

Professor Emeritus


Carlson School of Management


  • BA 1973
    Psychology Univ. of Minnesota
  • MA 1976
    Psychology New York Univ.
  • PhD 1981
    Social Psychology Univ. of Illinois


  • Brands, Brand management, Brand concept maps
  • Social and Preventive Health Marketing
  • Consumer psychology


Barbara Loken is Professor Emeritus of Marketing at the Carlson School, University of Minnesota. She also served as Adjunct Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota. She is an expert in the fields of brand management, health promotion, and consumer psychology. Within the field of brand management, Professor Loken contributed seminal research on brand extensions and brand dilution published in the Journal of Marketing Research and Journal of Marketing, among the first scholarly research papers to appear in the discipline of marketing and among the first to apply theories of categorization to the study of branding. She co-edited Brands and Brand Management: Contemporary Research Perspectives, 2010. Within the field of health promotion, Professor Loken served as a scientific editor of the National Cancer Institute’s Monograph 19 (The Role of the Media in Promotion and Reducing Tobacco Use, 2008), and co-authored a literature synthesis for The Lancet, 2010 on research using mass media to change health behaviors. Within the field of consumer psychology, Professor Loken contributed a 20-year review of literature on consumer psychology for the Annual Review of Psychology, 2006 and co-authored a review of gender research in consumer psychology for Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2015. Her recent publications include research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on consumer learning of tobacco constituents in smokeless tobacco products (Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2020), effects of viewing counterfeit products on brand dilution (Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2017), and enhancement of brands through brand naming (Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2018). Professor Loken served as Department Chair for the Marketing Department at the Carlson School, served as Associate Editor for the Journal of Consumer Research, and served on multiple review and advisory boards.

Selected Works & Activities

  • Journal Articles
    Loken, B, E Borgida, T Wang, MK Madzelan, AL Williams, D Hatsukami, and I Stepanov (2020). Can the public be educated about constituents in smokeless tobacco? A three-wave randomized controlled trial. Nicotine & Tobacco Research.
  • Journal Articles
    Stoner, Jennifer L., Barbara Loken, and Ashley Stadler Blank (2018). The name game: How naming products increases psychological ownership and subsequent consumer evaluations. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28(1), 130-137.
  • Journal Articles
    Amaral, Nelson and Barbara Loken (2017). Viewing usage of counterfeit luxury goods: Social identity and social hierarchy effects on dilution and enhancement of genuine luxury brands. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26(4), 483-495.
  • Journal Articles
    Borgida, E, B Loken, J Vitriol, AL Williams, I Stepanov, and D Hatsukami (2015). Assessing constituent levels in smokeless tobacco products: A new approach to engaging and educating the public. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 17(1), 1354-1361.
  • Journal Articles
    Meyers-Levy, Joan and Barbara Loken (2015). Revisiting gender differences: What we know and what lies ahead. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25(1), 129-149.
  • Journal Articles
    Bennett, Christine M., Hakkyun Kim, and Barbara Loken (2013). Corporate sponsorships may hurt nonprofits: Understanding their effects on charitable giving. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(3), 288-300.
  • Journal Articles
    Wakefield, Melanie A., Barbara Loken, and Robert C. Hornik (2010). Use of mass media campaigns to change health behavior. The Lancet, 376(9748), 1261-1271.
  • Journal Articles
    Loken, Barbara (2006). Consumer Psychology: Categorization, inferences, affect, and persuasion. Annual Review of Psychology, 57, 453-85.
  • Journal Articles
    John, Deborah Roedder, Barbara Loken, Kyeong-Heui Kim, and Alokparna Basu Monga. (2006). Brand Concept maps: A methodology for identifying brand association networks. Journal of Marketing Research, 43 (November), 549-563.
  • Journal Articles
    Loken, Barbara, Christopher Joiner, and Joann Peck (2002). Category attitude measures. Journal of Consumer Psychology.
  • Journal Articles
    John, Deborah Roedder, Barbara Loken, and Christopher Joiner (1998). The negative impact of extensions: can flagship products be diluted? Journal of Marketing, 62 (Jan), 19-32.
  • Journal Articles
    Loken, Barbara and Deborah Roedder John (1993). Diluting brand beliefs: When do brand extensions have a negative impact? Journal of Marketing, 57 (July), 71-84.
  • Journal Articles
    Boush, David M. and Barbara Loken (1991). A process-tracing study of brand extension evaluation, Journal of Marketing Research, 28 (February), 16-28.
  • Journal Articles
    Lando, Harry A., Barbara Loken, Beth Howard-Pitney, and Terry Pechacek (1990). Community impact of a localized smoking cessation contest. American Journal of Public Health, 80 (May), 601- 603.
  • Journal Articles
    Loken, Barbara and James Ward (1990). Alternative approaches to understanding the determinants of typicality, Journal of Consumer Research, 17 (September), 111-126.
  • Journal Articles
    Dubinsky, Alan and Barbara Loken (1989). An approach for analyzing ethical decision making in marketing. Journal of Business Research.
  • Journal Articles
    Loken, Barbara and Beth Howard-Pitney (1988). Effectiveness of cigarette advertisements: An experimental study. Journal of Applied Psychology, 73 (3), 378-382.
  • Journal Articles
    Boush, D, S Shipp, B Loken, E Genturk, S Crockett, E Kennedy, B Minshall, D Misurell, L Rochford, and J Strobel (U of MN Consumer Behavior Seminar (1987). Affect generalization to similar and dissimilar line extensions, Psych & Mktg, 4 (3), 225-241.
  • Whole Books
    Loken, Barbara, Rohini Ahluwalia and Michael J. Houston (2010). Brands and Brand Management: Contemporary Research Perspectives, NY: Psychology Press: A Taylor & Francis Group, 311p.
  • Serials (Book, Monograph)
    Davis, R, B Gilpin, B Loken, K Viswanath, and M Wakefield (Eds.) (2008). The Role of the Media in Promoting and Reducing Tobacco Use, Monograph 19, National Cancer Institute, US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health.
  • Book Chapters
    Loken, Barbara and Deborah Roedder John (2015). Getting real: Collaborations in applied psychological theory. In Zweigenhaft, Richard L. and Borgida, Eugene (editors) Collaboration in Psychological Science: Lifting the Veil, Worth Publications.
  • Book Chapters
    Loken, Barbara, Larry Barsalou, and Christopher Joiner (2007). Categorization theory and research in consumer psychology: Category representation and category-based inference. In The Handbook of Consumer Psychology, Eds. C Haugvedt, P Herr, and F Kardes.
  • Consumer understanding of smokeless tobacco constituent information.

  • Consumer Categorization and Attitudes Theories; Brand Dilution/Brand equity research

  • Public Health Mass media Campaigns, Social Marketing, Tobacco Marketing

  • Adjunct Professor of Psychology, University of Minnesota; Member, Masonic Cancer Center Member, ACR, AMA, SCP •Associate Editor, Journal of Consumer Research, 1996-1999. • Member, Center for Research in Learning, Perception, and Cognition, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota.

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