Trent Oelkers Masters Structured Problem Solving


Trent Oelkers

Of everything that the Carlson Consulting Enterprise offers, the most memorable outcome of the experience was personal development. I had the opportunity to be a team lead and help my peers work together to create recommendations with real impacts on our client.  Working with my team to help them understand the direction of our project was challenging and rewarding.

Of all the skills I learned in the process I think structured problem solving was the most valuable. I think it's difficult to pinpoint what you should solve. My time in the Consulting Enterprise has shown me what to solve and how to solve it. Structured problem solving will be a big part of skillset going forward.

Starting in the Summer of 2015 I will be joining Carlisle Companies in their Rotational Leadership Development Program. I will be engaging in 3-month projects across all of the company's business units for the first year. I will be moving with my little family every three months.

About Trent

Hometown: New Hope, MN

Undergraduate Institution: Brigham Young University

Internship Experience: The Schwan Foods Company

Community Involvement: Admissions Graduate Assistant, Supply Chain and Operations Club, MBAA President

Work Experience: Secondary Education Teacher, Property Manager- Steven-Scott Management

Hobbies: Sports, home improvement, dancing, and anything that my wife and three kids love to do

Join the Consulting Enterprise

Apply your skills and knowledge to complete a live project for a real client organization. In the Carlson Consulting Enterprise, you will gain real-world experience collaborating with clients, while making a positive impact on the business and accelerating your career development. Throughout the two-semester class, the project work is enhanced by a weekly class that teaches the structured thinking and project management skills crucial for professionals along any career path.

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